Saturday 30 May 2009


i've been browsing on wildcat again! it's dangerous!
knowing what i'm like, and loving stars i've found some pretties that i want <a href="">this earcuff</a> for my left ear.  sooo pretty.
<a href=>this CBR</a> is adorable although i'd have to make a hole for it - possibly in my lip???
and <a href="">this</a> althoug where it would go i have NO clue!!

reeeeeeeepo maaaan!

i have discovered i am ever so slightly addicted to repo! the genetic opera, and i advise everyone to see it!
am currently in the throws of making a zydrate gun, getting everything together is a pain in the ass though.
gonna take some time to do the wiring - dads gonna help with that i believe.

still need to get a list of stuff i need:


Friday 29 May 2009

restless heart syndrome

The temperature has spiked at 92*F in the back garden, Scooby is sprawled out in mother's chair downstairs and I am sat with my fan going full speed listening to Greeday (as if you couldn't have guessed).

A4e was a short day today, start at 9 finish at 12.15 (should have been 1 but never mind).  We sat playing electronic monopoly (oh how I want that game).  Strangely Dan won (with £25Million – bastard.)


My right nostril piercing has decided to act up and looks like it's getting a lumpy, I sure as hell hope it's just the hot weather,

Cheeks are still bruised, left one is VERY sore, left hand looks as though its finally starting to heal up properly although I doubt it will completely sorted for download TWO WEEKS TODAY!!

Am so much looking forward to that, three days of metal mayhem.  Am really looking forward to seeing the Backyard Babies again (there's a surprise… I believe they are third stage so hopefully not too many people), Motley Crue, Shinedown (had a weird ass dream about them last night, but onto that later), Marilyn Manson, Whitesnake, ZZTop, Def Leppard…there are loads of others as well it's basically gonnabe an amazing weekend, I really hope we have nice weather – as long as it isn't to cold and it doesn't rain I don't care!


Have just successfully dyed my hair (again) but a more natural brown colour.  This time I shouldn't have to worry about roots.

See normally I look like I've killed someone or something.  Smurfs (blue) Barbie (pink) Marilyn Manson (black) or general killing (red) this time the bath looked like I had a REALLY bad case of the runs – talk about glamorous!

I used nice n easy by Clairol, and I have never had this problem before – the fumes were terrible!  My eyes were streaming, I was coughing up my lungs, nose was burning I mean WTF?!


Turns out it is gonna cost me about £20 to get 90 pictures printed (WTF???) and I have yet to find out if the job centre can help (that's next weeks fun).


Right onto this damned dream, cuz fuck am I confused?!


Starts off that we're at war (I can see that happening) with bugs that are slightly see through and jelly like.  If they bite you, you die an agonising death.  This war is very starship troopers style fighting.

I beat one of the bugs to death with an Oasis drinks bottle (yay to me) I climb into my beat up little fiat car and drive to a concert venue, I get there and there are very few people there, I am walking backwards taking pictures of shinedown but their guitarist is Herman Li (dragonforce), security tell me no pictures of the band so I proudly show off my pass, I follow the band down to the front and take my place in front of the barriers and about 50 people who are attending the concert.

The band play a song and then stand still as votes are cast about an unknown surprise band who will be performing later in the day, there are fans drinking champagne with record company executives, I look around to take pictures and I see my friend Becca!


This is when my alarm goes off and I woke up!!



Thursday 28 May 2009

A4e Week 2!

Hey all,

Hope we’re all good! Have been uber busy at a4e, and when I say busy I mean I’ve been looking like I’m busy cuz there’s nothing much to do.

Been looking at body jewellery (research of course) and am considering getting some fun stuff for Victoria (VCH), I’m thinking of stretching to 2mm but am unsure at the moment so will just leave it as is!

First up is this either in red or green, I prefer the red one to be honest. So that’s Halloween sorted (LOL) there’s also this cutie! She is adorable!

There’s also plenty of pretty Christmas stuff but am unsure as to if it would look good in Victoria; looks slightly tacky somehow, could always get this HAHAHAHA could be interesting!! Talk about jingle bells!

I know what I want for Victoria but trying to find it (again) isn’t easy. It was a titanium bar with a star on the bottom and a star lazered onto the top ball. It’s really hard to explain but was so pretty!!

As I said yesterday I have my new labret, woot for 2mm!

1.6mm was leaking a little – wasn’t very pleased although now I have the 2mm in it feels much better. Hopefully it won’t stretch any further. Don’t think mutter would be happy with me going to 2.4mm or 3mm! (although it would look cute with a ring in!) does mean however I cant find 2mm threaded balls to fit onto the new stem! So I don’t have anything interesting in it, was gonna go all trailer park trash and have a gem in it (so fucking cute) am seriously considering a Madonna on the right side as well, although after the cheeks swelling so badly I shall leave it till after summer. Give my body time – it’s still dealing with my hand ink, the red is having a bad reaction and has caused it to bubble and split in places. Its still uber dry and sore no matter what I use on it. Doctor says it’s fine and not infected (duuuh) but that also means she cant give me anything for it; as there is no point.